“The fifty-year embargo just hasn’t worked,” CBC Chairwoman Barbara Lee (D-Ca.) told reporters
(worked to do what? To keep Cuba from being inordinately influential in the Caribbean? Debatable. To cause the Castro regime to fall? True, but hardly the outcome Lee would have wished for. Attract the votes of ex-patriot Cubans in South Florida? Perhaps that is what she meant. Most likely she didn’t mean anything other than she opposes the embargo and needs to sound like there is a rational reason to end it other than her sympathy for Socialist dictators.)
(Judging from opinion printed in the Miami Herald, the visit by ‘the clueless seven’ won’t help the party in South Florida either): “The black U.S. lawmakers' concerns weren't for the 300-plus Cuban prisoners of conscience listed by Amnesty International or the hundreds of dissidents working from their homes under the watch of a totalitarian regime. Or the lack of civil rights in a country with a majority black and mixed-race population ruled by an overwhelmingly white gerontocracy.
“Their angst was for the ''Five Heroes,'' as Cuba's controlled media calls the Cuban government spies captured in Miami, including one sentenced for conspiracy to murder the four Brothers to the Rescue pilots killed by Cuban fighter planes in 1996.
“Certainly the Clueless Seven, led by Rep. Barbara Lee of California, didn't make a fuss about 50 years of the Castro brothers' rule, the human rights violations or the escalating and disproportionate number of black Cubans held behind bars. Indeed, Rep. Bobby Rush, a former Black Panther, could only show his empathy ''for the suffering of political prisoners,'' as he referred to the five spies.”
Lee and others heaped praise on Castro
(What did Lee and others find so praiseworthy in Castro?) “According to Amnesty International, no other country of Cuba's size has held so many political prisoners for so long under such inhumane circumstances of atrocity and terror. Such inhumanity is a monstrous legacy from which the Cuban dictator can never escape.” “Over the past forty years, Cuba has developed a highly effective machinery of repression. The denial of basic civil and political rights is written into Cuban law. In the name of legality, armed security forces, aided by state-controlled mass organizations, silence dissent with heavy prison terms, threats of prosecution, harassment, or exile. Cuba uses these tools to restrict severely the exercise of fundamental human rights of expression, association, and assembly. The conditions in Cuba's prisons are inhuman, and political prisoners suffer additional degrading treatment and torture. In recent years, Cuba has added new repressive laws and continued prosecuting nonviolent dissidents while shrugging off international appeals for reform and placating visiting dignitaries with occasional releases of political prisoners.”
“It was almost like listening to an old friend,” said Rep. Bobby Rush (D-Il.)"
(I suppose Bobby would feel that way…el Comandante Fidel bringing back fond memories of when he fashioned himself as a leader of a people's revolution as head of the Chicago Black Panthers)
"Rep. Laura Richardson (D-Ca.) said Castro was receptive to President Obama’s message of turning the page in American foreign policy.
"He listened. He said the exact same thing" about turning the page "as President Obama said," said Richardson."
(Sure. Castro is in favor of turning the page in the narrative of the spread of International Socialism, which Ms Richardson no doubt is in favor of: at least the free housing part since she was an utter failure as a real estate speculator in California and has or had 3 houses in foreclosure, one declared a public nuisance and is alleged to have received preferential treatment from WaMu at the expense of the private citizen who purchased one of her homes in a foreclosure auction. has links to her real estate problems)
"There is now serious momentum in long-standing efforts to overturn the nearly five decade ban on travel and trade with Cuba. Previous efforts have been blocked by a vocal and influential Cuban American community"
(I’m ambivalent about loosening restrictions with Cuba. They haven’t had any effect on the Castro thugocracy while they have certainly been a burden on the Cuban people. 50 year old slights to Cuban expats or Dole Pineapple investors carry no weight. Consider that we have made peace with Viet Nam to the benefit of both countries. On the flip side, the totalitarian regime is certain to appropriate anything of value that might flow from the US into Cuba, so there is reasonable doubt that the Cuban people will benefit from changes in the relationship. While the regime would gain inestimable power and prestige thereby. In the final analysis, I have to pause and think hard about agreeing with something these congressional clowns are so enthusiastic about)
"In a statement following the meeting today, Castro said that the delegation had expressed to him that a segment of American society “continues to be racist,” and is at least partly to blame for the travel restrictions."
“That did not happen,” Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (D-Mo.), told reporters".
(Perhaps they admire Castro for his inability to tell the truth? Or perhaps they lack that ability? There clearly is no honor among Socialist camrades)
Here is Castro’s statement: “A fourth member of the Caucus said that despite Obama’s electoral victory, the American society continues to be racist. He added that Obama represented the only opportunity that nation had to move on and leave behind all the wrongdoings accumulated by former governments.”
(Sounds perfectly in character for this bunch)
"The delegation is headed by California Representative Barbara Lee (co-chair CPC and current President of the Congressional Black Caucus. The delegation is also included by Melvin Watt (CPC), Bobby Rush (CPC), Marcia Fudge, Emanuel Cleaver and Laura Richardson and Micheal Honda. Legislator Sheila Jackson-Lee is expected to arrive on Monday."
(True, they may have traveled as representatives of the Congressional Black Caucus, but more significantly, every one of them are also members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus. It seems, from their statements, that their visit had more to do with their political affinity for Castro's Socialist paradise than for his interest in racial harmony.
The prominence of the CPC in the current congress bodes very ill for this country)
“The largest ideological caucus in the new House Democratic majority will be the Congressional Progressive Caucus, with a membership that includes New York's Charles Rangel, Michigan's John Conyers, Massachusetts' Barney Frank and at least half the incoming chairs of House standing committees.
“The caucus currently has 64 members
“Listen to Barbara Lee, whose habit of deviating from the conventional wisdom in order get things right is now well established, when she says of Tuesday's election results, "It is important to recognize that this was not just a vote against George Bush and the Republican Congress, it was a vote for a Democratic agenda that is rooted in progressive values."”
(“Progressive Values” like those practiced in Castro’s Cuba for the last 50 years…and condemned by Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch)
(Who are big fans of the CPC? The Democratic Socialist of America. In fact, from their readiness to speak at their meetings, it also appears the CPC are big fans of the Democratic Socialists of America)
“DSA recognizes that some insurgent politicians representing labor, environmentalists, gays and lesbians, and communities of color may choose to run under Democratic auspices, as in the 1988 Jesse Jackson campaign, or operate as Democrats like Senator Paul Wellstone, and the 59 Democratic members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, one-half of whom are Black and Latino and all of whom possess strong labor backing and operative social democratic politics.
“DSA honored independent socialist Congressperson Bernie Sanders of Vermont at our last convention banquet, and we have always raised significant funds nationally for his electoral campaigns. At the same time, we were pleased to have Democratic Congressperson and Progressive Caucus member Bob Filner of San Diego introduce Sanders at the convention, and note that Progressive Caucus member Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) will be honored at our annual Debs-Thomas-Harrington dinner this Spring in Chicago.
“DSA is not an electoral organization, but rather a democratic socialist political organization which aims to bring socialism into the mainstream of American politics. We endeavor to do so through a two-pronged strategy of education and organizing.”
(and it is always instructive to compare the CPC agenda to that of DSA CPUSA and the Socialist Party-USA just to get a glimpse of the direction we are being herded)