Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Big Sis Tells us It's All Safe Now

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano on Friday said the administration has "enough" resources to secure the border now that President Obama signed into law a $600 million border security spending bill, and she said Congress must now act on a larger overhaul of the nation's immigration laws.

Who didn't see this coming? It goes well with the MSM's recent regurgitation of the MiniTru's claim that there have been more arrests, deportations etc. More than when? When Bush didn't do enough to secure the Homeland against foreign infiltration? And does the fact that there are more arrests in Chicago for murder than in Lake Forest mean that Chicago is safer? Not really. But it will put pressure on RINOs who have no guts, no principles or no faith in their standing among their Hispanic constituents to flip to the wrong side of the issue.

A Time for Choosing

"The worst thing we could do is to go back to the very same policies that created this mess in the first place," Obama said at a fundraiser in Wisconsin. "In November, you're going to have that choice."

I quite agree. The worst thing we could do is to go back to the very same policies that cause stagflation in the 70's, exacerbated the Depression in the 30's and has stifled the recovery following the real estate bubble burst in 2007. Keynesianism has failed everytime it has been tried. Statism has failed every time it has been tried, collectivism has failed everytime it has been tried. Let's think of all of the prosperous states and comfortable citizens enjoying the fruits of a strong, dictatorial central government directing the economy and distributing the fruits of prosperity: Burma, Cuba, China, Zimbabwe, Venezuela, Saudi Arabia...

Nah, let's try something new that has had some small level of success occassionally in the past: Let individuals pursue their goals unfettered by central government micro-management, enforce the rule of law impartially, support ethical and moral behavior among the citizens and discourage (in accordance with ordered liberty) anti-social behavior.

In November we will have a choice between "up or down. Up to man's age-old dream--the maximum of individual freedom consistent with order -- or down to the ant heap of totalitarianism."