Friday, September 28, 2012

Free expression fil ana, la fil thou

Feds Arrest Producer Of Controversial Anti-Islam Film On Probation Violation Charge

Yes, no argument that he violated his probation, as far as the publicly available facts indicate. But is there any question that he would not be in jail without parole today if his YouTube video had been about kittens chasing ceiling fans?

Oh, and his pastor is described as a "radical Coptic cleric".   So, do "America's Values" and First Amendment Freedoms demand that 'radical' Coptic Christians are imprisioned in America for making a YouTube video while radical Muslims are released from Guantanamo for killing Americans?   During his speech at the UN, the president said, "I know that not all countries in this body share this particular understanding of the protection of free speech. We recognize that."   Shall we parse this for a moment?  "this particular understanding" is codified in the First Amendment to the Constitution. But the 1st Amendment isn't a reflection of a 'particular understanding' which others may or may not share. It is a recognition of an inalienable right that exists outside of, precedes and supercedes 'particular understandings.' It is part and parcel of those inalienable rights which are endowed upon all Men by their Creator whether radical Islamists; Communist, Socialist or Fascist dictators; or witlings posing as intellectual elites 'share this particular understanding' or not. So, what we recognize, which appears to be somewhat different from what the president prefers to recognize is that those countries that do not have a proper understanding of the Natual Law and who do not recognize their citizen's right to freedom of speech or religion are wrong and very likely illegitimate. They certainly hold no moral equivalency with a nation that does recognize the natural rights of its citizens. Their MIS-understanding of the particular right to free speech is not simply another particular understanding but a grave error of understanding.   Obama does not recognize that. He has always seemed to have trouble with objective reality, objective truth, transcendant Natural Law and other things that really and truly are "above his pay grade."

Monday, September 17, 2012

Purile Prattle - late entry

Saving what little they have to celebrate in the Obama presidency, the MSM commentariat has taken the opportunity of the Republican National Convention to roll out what they consider their best 'arguments' againt the Republican nominees.

Here are a few of the ones I've come across while surfing the net:

E.J.Dionne: "The GOP is marketing the concept that a great many Americans need to suffer before they can prosper. The government needs the equivalent of a P90X regimen -- and never mind checking first whether it will actually be good for the country."

Have to give him credit for being succinct while being wrong. Unless the 'great many Americans' who he worries will suffer are all government employees, his point is a giant non sequiter. And the proposition that ending bloated, voracious, lumbering government will be good for the country is very nearly an indisputable fact - like gravity (speaking of impending fiscal cliffs). He goes on:

"Christie and Ryan talk a lot about "courage." It's an excellent virtue. But where is the courage in giving the wealthy people who are financing your campaigns all they want while accusing those who might vote against you of wishing to spend life in a hammock? "

I hope he asks that question next week of an administration that has failed to indict a single contributor - I mean Wall Street fat cat while telling entrepreneurs and business owners that maybe they've made enough and ought to be willing to 'spread the wealth around a little.'