Thursday, June 20, 2013

Criminality as Governing Principle

This makes Fast and Furious look like child's play - pardon the somewhat sick pun.

"As late as last year, the FBI ran a child pornography operation in an attempt to nab its customers.  The service ran for two weeks "while attempting to identify more than 5,000 customers, according to a Seattle FBI agent's statements to the court.""

"Court records indicate the site continued to distribute child pornography online while under FBI control; "

"The Bureau seized a website referred to as "Website A" on November 16, 2012.  It operated until it was shut down on December 2 and at the time, it had more than 5,600 users and 24,000 posts. "At least 10,000 photos of children being posed nude, raped or otherwise abused were broadcast through the site.""

Yes, that's right. Your Federal Government  ran a child porn web site which distributed 10,000 photos of children being posed nude, raped or otherwise abused.