Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Why isn't it National "Catholic" Reporter

I'm thinking the National Catholic Reporter must be some sort of parody or false flag operation run by Fundamentalists or something.

Case in point, Fr. Thomas Reece is purportedly a Jesuit priest and a Senior Analyst for what  Fr. John Zuhlsdorf calls the National Schismatic Reporter (aka Fishwrap).  But he and his readers consider themselves more Catholic than the pope, or at least the American bishops. He is certain that the mark of true Catholic charity is to be found in tut-tutting doctrinal orthodoxy and tsk-tsking those benighted spirits who don't share his enlightened (read politically Progressive) views.

Fr. Reece sees the Church in the world through an unfortunately bifurcated lens. In charity, I will say that his concern for the poor and for Progressive causes has blinded him to the real meaning of “the consistent ethic of life.” That blindness leads him to say things like this: “The last thing troubled families need is bishops quoting papal encyclicals to them.” I could say that he appears to believe that troubled families need access to abortion, birth control and divorce more than they need the pastoral teaching of the Magisterium to show them what is truly true and beautiful and good. Perhaps he would have the bishops do away with Jesus’teaching as well that “what God has joined let no man put asunder.”etc. Frankly, there are trillions of tax dollars and billions of corporate and private charitable dollars going to help the poor. Somehow, they are not having the desired effect. Perhaps Fr. Reese should spend some time thinking about why the Progressive program to help the poor has failed so miserably. At the same time, there are precious few who are willing to defend the Truth in regards to the Family and sexual ethics. Does the proud Father consider that the bishops’ voices appear louder on those subjects because there are so few other voices? Fr. Reese’ is missing from the pro-family chorus. And I have the sorry sense that he wished the bishops would be silent too – or worse, join the amen chorus of Progressives who cheer the re-definition of marriage, the dissolution of the family, the misdirection of an individual’s sexual powers, the intentional sterility of the womb and the death (when “compassion” demands) of the unborn.