Monday, May 18, 2015

graduates and their families deserve to sleep through good commencement speeches

An interesting review of two compilations of commencement speeches; one from the Left and one from a reasonable point of view in that right wing rag, the Washington Post.

“Why conservatives give better commencement speeches than liberals” is because they have better ideas based upon better world views. The first one, “Conservatives speak to you as an individual. Liberal commencement speakers tend to address graduates as members of a group” says it all.

And really, graduates and their families deserve to sleep through good commencement speeches.

Time to Evangelize like we mean it

I think it may be past time for Catholics to stop being passive, to give up on wishing to be merely left alone. It is time for the New Evangelization to actively take the field; to express loudly and confidently that Catholic Moral Teaching is right, that the Church is right and that it is truly the path to happiness and fulfillment, not ‘access to contraceptives’ not ‘acceptance of opposing views’ (particularly those that do not accept ours). All that stuff above is bad. Objectively bad. Not just in light of Catholic teaching; although Catholic teaching explains conclusively why they are bad. We have the Good News, dammit! Theirs is the way to wreck and ruin. We need to not only push back, but to push them out – Good Riddance!

Pick your party

My Selfish Genes Made Me Create Frankenstein and Destroy Mankind!

It’s all fun and games until the giant robot AI flying monkeys attack.

Oh, by the way, we have no choice in the matter. Literally. We can’t help ourselves. We have no agency.

This guy, who is a strict Materialist, New Atheist and presumes himself to be a rigorous Determinist seems like the perfect target for ruminations on the weakness of his position. 

But, he really isn't enjoying it. It’s just the way his body experiences the various firings of certain neurons in response to external stimulus according to how those neurons have been conditioned by Evolution and his particular experience. Isn't that a joy? 

I wish I’d saved the article that floated downstream on FB about the war between science and religion. Regarding Religion, of course, I am limiting myself to considering the Catholic POV. It is worth looking at who the New Atheists attack as being anti-science. Usually it’s radical Christian Fundamentalists (Young Earthers, Creationist or whatever pejorative the NA’s choose to use). Some braver ones, like the late Christopher Hitchens, also attacked radical Muslims, like ISIS, who truly are anti-science.

My premise is that science per se is completely compatible with Christianity per se as represented in the teachings of the Catholic Church. In a certain way, science could be considered a sub-set of theology. More on this later, perhaps.

However, many members of the Science community are at war with religion in general and often with Catholic doctrine in particular. Often for personal or political reasons. Also often for philosophical reasons. Their Atheism precedes their scientific opinion and restricts it to atheistic conclusions. Religion has had a war on error, ignorance and their particular form in Atheism for a long time. So, it could be said that the Church has been in conflict with these atheistic scientists and their fellow travelers in other disciplines and their cheerleaders in the press for a long time as well. It is those folks who have, undeservedly, assumed the banner of Science in their war on Faith and Reason.

In the end, their arguments come down to this:

“My own opinion is enough for me, and I claim the right to have it defended against any consensus, any majority, anywhere, any place, any time. And anyone who disagrees with this can pick a number, get in line, and kiss my ass.”

And for people who believe they can believe that they haven’t the power to believe what they choose to believe, like Coyne, those people can’t even claim a right to an opinion.
But they are forced, by the ineluctable rules of biology, I suppose, to foist these particular set of synaptic activity upon young people whose parent’s evolutionary instincts have led them to pay woefully large sums of money to universities.