Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Notes on the Schismatic Episcopalians

Recently the Archbishop of Canterbury held a meeting of primates. The outcome surprised me just a little. He seems to have given the African bishops more consideration than the Moderns in North America expected. In typical Anglican style, he managed to water things down to half-measures. I just expected them to go half-way to the Episcopal position, rather than the orthodox position.

But was unsurprising was the purple prose of the response of the lavender leadership of the American church. In fact, Fr. Longenecker pegged it precisely:

1. Sentimentalism
2. False Martyrdom
3. Pride
4. Self Righteousness 
5. Propaganda 
6. Counter Attack
7. Schism 

Same playbook as the Nuns on the Bus.

Proud Episcopalians Defiant

Didn’t take long for his predictions to come true. I really think trading ACNA for the Episcopal Church would be a great deal for the Anglican Communion. But if that doesn't work out, the Tiber is fine, folks dive in. We'll keep the Light on for you.

As an aside, if the Episcopal Church separates from Anglicanism and ACNA re-unites, what does that do to property disputes between the EC and breakaway churches in the US?