Saturday, April 11, 2009

Obama at Notre Dame, in Reagan’s Long Shadow

"On May 17, four months into his presidency, Barack Obama will travel to South Bend, Ind., to deliver the commencement address at the University of Notre Dame. Twenty-eight years to the day, another popular agent of change, four months into his presidency, did the same. (Text here; video here.)

In a presidency full of extraordinary oratory, Reagan’s “Source of All Strength” speech at Notre Dame stands out as one of his very best, even if it is not among his best-known.

By now, the heralded Obama communications team will have read and unpacked Reagan’s Notre Dame address. The speechwriters undoubtedly understand the height of the bar Reagan set and the imperative to fashion a message of similar scope, vision, and connectedness to the American creed."

Personally, I don’t think Obama or his handlers have a grasp or even a whiff of what the American creed actually is. They, in their PoMo way, think themselves the ‘agents of change’ who are empowered to redefine America’s narrative or some such clap trap; which if true, can only be to the detriment of the people of the United States and of the whole world.

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