Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Socialist or Shill for Business? Both...and!


“What's amazing is how opponents can portray Obama as both a shill for corporations and a socialist.”

Guess she never heard of Gazprom, IG Farben, etc.

“But none of his would-be opponents would name a thing Obama has done right for the economy, even in supporting business.”

They would if they could. Many of his opponents have noted things he’s done right. They just don’t get too many opportunities, and none in regards to his mishandling of the economy.

“Most Americans disapprove of Obama's handling of the economy, according to new polls.”

So, why question the integrity of his ‘would-be opponents’?

“Even the Today Show's Ann Curry accuses him of being calm rather than angry that 14 million Americans are unemployed: "People have started to wonder ... whether you really empathize with the suffering."

Et tu, Ann?”

I’m not sure a picture of a national TV “journalist” as Brutus and Obama as Caesar is what his supporters would like to be painting right now. Freudian, I suppose. Or maybe she knows her columns are only read by the minority who are totally on the Obama bus to Candy Mountain in Des Moines.

“The most important thing Obama can do for job growth is to ignore the anti-government ideologues and invest in improving America's infrastructure - making broadband accessible, rebuilding old highways, supporting renewable energy and education. He needs to grab the mike, and using the same passion he campaigned with, separate fact from fiction -- then forge ahead on innovative public works projects that employ people.”

Well, since the only way the federal government can create jobs is by hiring federal employees, paying states to hire employees or letting contracts, I suppose a run-of-the-mill statist like this would think it was a good idea.

And, in the end, there is no question that Obama is BOTH a Socialist AND a shill for business.


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