Tuesday, July 19, 2011

"Manipulate the Constitution"?

I listened to the House debate on Cut, Cap and Balance during my drive home today. Unbelievably, the talking points issued to the Leftist zombies were to assert that going through the constitutional process for considering an amendment to the Constitution is 'manipulating the Constitution'. Every one of the witlings who spoke against it, used that phrase, among the handful of canned lines that they tried to pass off as reasoned debating points.

No, I don't get it either - except that the Dems know they don't have to appeal to the absent reason of the drones who feed at the federal trough or senselessly guffaw at Bill Maher's sophomoric prattle and parrot whatever schlock they pick up on MSNBC since they are too ignorant of the Constitution or too befuddled generally to grasp the stupidity of the assertion on its face.

I missed this howler from Congressdope Debbie W. Schultz - so did the target of her fallacious ad hominem, Congressman Allan West. But he did respond appropriately. I look forward to hearing their face-to-face confrontation. A battle of wits between LTC West and the drooler Schultz, well it wouldn't be one, since she is plainly witless.

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