Sunday, September 25, 2011

Who said it?

"A hesitant America, disengaging from its commitments and uncertain as to its role, will inspire disillusion among its allies and confidence on the part of its adversaries. A strong, self-confident America will help create the conditions for its own security and that of its allies and friends."

A. John Bolton, 2009

B. Ronald Reagan, 1980

C. Michelle Bachmann, 2011

D. Barack Obama, 2008

E. Jordan, Taylor, and Associates in "American National Security"; a text book published shortly after the end of the Carter presidency, 1981

The answer is E. I just threw D in there for fun. But it illustrates the fact that Obama's foreign policy is rivaling Jimmy Carter's for ineptitude and damage to American security. And the fact that all of the grown ups in the room today seem to be members of the Republican party.

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