Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Harsh words from Maureen Dowd

"Despite what his rivals say, the president and the first lady do believe in American exceptionalism — their own, and they feel overassaulted and underappreciated.
We disappointed them. "

But her readers will have none of it:
"President Obama is in fact fundamentally different, fortunately, than the majority of politicians who are truly abysmal"
"Mr. Obama would be the president who brought back all the blessings God once poured down upon America."
"Ms. Dowd doesn't mention the racism facing our first black president; any discussion of how the Obama presidency is faring simply must include that dynamic. "
"It is significant that the whole world shook' when he was elected and despite all the 'sound bite buffoonery' of the right wind media, we continue to be mesmerized by the persona of this man and his family.His 'Apollo moment' was memorable because...wait for it...he could actually sing and had rhythm and was willing to 'have fun'.Oh, what an America you could all create if Obama's plea for unity was received and acted upon. ...'Apollo has been variously recognized as a god of light and the sun, truth and prophecy, healing, music, poetry, and more'. Seems The Apollo was the right place for your 8 seconds, Maureen."
"He is introspective and deliberate in addition to being exceptionally outgoing. I think Ms. Dowd would do well to reassess her evaluations in this regard and see Obama as the extremely complex person he is, not easily read, not easily pigeonholed."

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