Sunday, March 11, 2012

Academic Freedom is a One-Way Street

While surfing Facebook today, my attention was drawn to a CSPAN interview of Dr. Thomas Sowell, noted economist and professor who is currently a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute. The segment focused on a discussion of the late Prof. Derrick Bell. Bell has recently returned to the headlines thanks to a video of Barrack Obama speaking at a protest during his time as a student at Harvard Law School. Prof. Bell was a teacher and apparently somewhat of a mentor to Obama.

Sowell has a low opinion of Bell and his tactics: "what he is really saying is he wants ideological conformity in the people that are hired to fill this position [at Harvard Law School]"

Later in the interview, Dr. Sowell mentions another Black professor of Law at Harvard, Randall Kennedy: "He has launched a despicable attack on a young black professor at the law school who doesn't go along with this. A young man named Randall Kennedy, who has written a very thoughtful, intelligent article last June in the Harvard Law Review, questioning some of the assumptions that people are making, people like Derrick Bell and doing it in a very gentlemanly as well as very logical way, empirical way, and that's not what they want. They want the conclusion to be that -- they want him to march in lock step and he won't do it, and they're doing their best to make life impossible for him."

Pretty strong accusations. But thanks to the miracle of the Internet, bequeathed to us by that demi-god of Green, Al Gore, I was able to see what it is that Bell said about Kennedy. And, unsurprisingly, Sowell was accurate.

Bell: " I saw in Kennedy a comrade and an eventual successor in my racial battles with Harvard. In keeping with this expectation, I declined the dean's offer to again teach Race, Racism, and American Law, the civil rights course I had created when I joined the faculty years earlier. Kennedy had been teaching it in my absence. ... It was a decision I came to regret. Kennedy retained the course name, but dropped its advocacy orientation. Disgruntled students complained that Kennedy spent more time challenging and even denigrating civil rights positions than he did analyzing the continuing practices and policies of discrimination that made those policies, whatever their shortcomings, necessary.
[Oh dear! a class at the most prestigious Law school in the country being taught impartially rather than as indoctrination to racial advocacy! That is regrettable. lol]
"Over the years, Professor Kennedy has become the impartial, black intellectual, commenting on our still benighted condition and as ready to criticize as commend. As self-appointed monitor of civil rights positions, he stands ever ready to balance even the most heinous racial abuse with criticism of blacks when, in his view, our accusations condemning racism in the criminal justice system go too far and are counter-productive. He interrupts attacks on racist practices by pointing out that blacks, too, sometimes abuse the criminal justice system. When advocates condemn a system that is filling the nation's jails and prisons with legions of young, black men, he responds with the non sequitur that these men are guilty of many of the crimes that lead to their imprisonment." [A reasonable person might read this paragraph as laudatory. Prof Kennedy discusses topics fairly, recognizing the sins of the oppressed even as he condemns the sins of the oppressor. But, Bell and his Critical Race Theory cannot admit that Blacks could be sinners. Bell calls it a non sequitur that men guilty of crimes are sent to prison. It doesn't matter to him, to his theory or to those who accept his theory (Obama, Holder, etc.) whether they are guilty, only that they are somehow oppressed.]

While the Leftstream Media has tried to ignore, denigrate and downplay the import of the previously suppressed video of Obama cheering Bell and his racist Critical Race Theory, it does matter that Obama was taught Critical Race Theory by its creator, that he publicly praised the theory and its creator, that he participated in the sorts of demonstrations for racial and ideological preference that the theory advocates, that he spent 20 years at a church that taught Black Liberation Theology - which is to religion as Critical Race Theory is to Law - and that he has conducted his administration as an extension of those expressions of racist, Marxist ideologies.

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