Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Hold in Contempt that which is Contemptable

The list of things which make Eric Holder contemptible is a long one. It reaches all the way back to the pardon of Frank Rich during the Clinton administration.

At last, Rep Darrell Issa is preparing to call Mr. Holder publicly what he is prima facially: in contempt of the Rule of Law - that little thing that his office was created to uphold. Rep. Issa is pursuing Mr. Holder's dissembling cover-up of Operation Fast and Furious - the BATFE program in which law-abiding gun-shop owners were forced to sell guns to Mexican drug lords so that they could be used to a) influence public opinion in favor of gun-control laws and b) kill Mexican civilians and U.S. Law Enforcement Officers.

At the same time, the Senate Republicans doubt Mr. Holder's organization's ability to objectively investigate the National Security leaks the Obama Adminstration has tried to use to burnish his less than shiny record. I think that's obvious. He doesn't share their concern that he has proven himself to be too partisan to direct a proper investigation into the adminstration's shenanigans.

The funny thing is his total blindness to the point of not being careful in his public statements. Sen Cornyn "cited a litany of actions he said demonstrated that Mr. Holder has “allowed politics to trump independence, transparency and accountability.” "“Meanwhile, you still resist coming clean about what you knew and when you knew it with regard to Operation Fast and Furious. You won’t cooperate with a legitimate congressional investigation, and you won’t hold anyone, including yourself, accountable,” he said. “In short, you’ve violated the public trust, in my view, by failing and refusing to perform the duties of your office.”"

 Holder defiantly replied: "This “leads me to believe that the desire here is not for an accommodation but for political point-making,” he said. “And that is the type of thing that you and your side have the ability to do if that’s what you want to do. It is the thing that I think turns people off about Washington. While we have very serious problems, we’re still involved in this political gamesmanship.”"
"Your side" does not bespeak non-partisan, even-handed application of the laws in pursuit of justice.
Impeach this contemptible person.

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