Monday, August 20, 2012

SPLC is a Hate Group

And I don't think they're very bright either.

My first question when the SPLC says something stupid in order to get into the news is usually, "What does the Southern Poverty Law Center have to do with XXXXXX totally unrelated subject (ie: Family Research Council, homosexuality or same-sex 'marriage' or what have you)?"

Well, it looks from their web site that they really aren't all that into providing legal assistance to poor southerners.

They usually make news by adding someone to their list of 'Hate Groups'. In the most recent case, the "hate group" in question is the FRC. The evidence of the FRC being filled with hate-filled bigots is that a hate-filled bigot - er, homosexual activist - tried to shoot up FRC headquarters in Washingon DC.

Now, when SPLC libels (oops, I mean labels) a group or individual as a hate-filled bigot, I usually yawn. The hate-filled bigots at SPLC are too dim to know their right from their left.

In an article entitled, "30 New Activists Heading Up the Radical Right," number 25 is Malik Zulu Shabazz. Only in the fever-addled brains of the Souther Poverty Law Center is the New Black Panther Party a part of the 'radical right.'

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