Friday, February 1, 2013

It just can't get any better than this

While trying to find some mention of the revised Mandate on the White House web site today, I came across a link to a page entitled, "It Gets Better".

It was really no surprise that a preening, posturing president who so desperately wishes to be identified with every pecadillo that piques to paletes of Progressive pinheads would want to jump on the It Gets Better bandwagon.

Bullying is bad. No mature person would want to associate with a bully -whether due to someone's LGBTIA.... identity or race or physical apperance or religion.

I certainly wouldn't associate myself with someone who spewed a profanity-laced rant in front of over 2000 high school students which belittled their values and identity and hurled epithets at those who refused to sit through his bullying.

In other words, I wouldn't want to associate myself with Dan Savage who cursed at, belittled the Bible and Christianity and called high school students who chose not to sit through his tirade "pansy-a##ed".

Dan Savage who is the creator of the "It Gets Better" web site and who, apparently, is the model for the president's position on those who disagree with him on Homosexual behavior.

On second thought, it can't get much worse than this. But it continues to, nontheless.