Friday, August 2, 2013

It doesn't take much thought to see through through this one

One article amidst the Leftist caterwauling about voter ID laws is this one in the Atlantic: "The Republican Push to Make it Harder to Vote"

Linda Killian writes,"Texas residents will now have to show a state- or federal-issued form of photo identification to vote. The list of acceptable forms includes a concealed-handgun license but not a state university student ID. The omission suggests it is not voter fraud but voters unfriendly to the GOP that Abbott and other Texas Republicans are trying to thwart."

Well, if 'voters unfriendly to the GOP' means people who are not eligible to vote in Texas, then she is correct. Perhaps Ms Killian doesn't have a CHP so she doesn't know that proof of residency is one of the required documents to obtain one. Perhaps she didn't attend college, or attended a local college so she doesn't realize that some students attend class in other states where they are not permanent residents. and thus are not eligible to vote there.

Probably not. Her objection suggests that it is not eligible voters but Democrat voters, dead, alive or whatever that Killian are trying to defend.

Actually, I really am in favor of making it harder to vote. Sure, every citizen who meets the eligibility requirements of age and residency should have the right to vote And there should be no unreasonable obstacles to their exercising that right. But voting is equally a right, a privilege, and a responsibility. It is a right held by citizens of the United States. It is a privilege reserved to citizens only and only those who are not prohibited (felons, minors, etc.) and it is a responsibility that ought not be taken lightly. 

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