Thursday, December 5, 2013

Statistics::Math::Logic::Truth or not

Statistics is a branch of Mathematics, which is a form of Logic. So, something that is shown statistically is logically true, which makes it a solid fact, right?

Well, no. That's faulty logic.

We all know the quip: "there are lies, damned lies and statistics." Statisics are useful to liars and politicians (but I repeat myself) because the impart a scientific and rational patina to the liar's lie.

In the case of scientificy lies, statistics are useful tools to give the apperance of scientific fact to the opinions of the theorizer.

Such is the case in this article by Tomas Rees,a medical writer by profession who blogs and writes articles for Humanist publications. So, his theory going in is that the one thing that cannot cause people to believe in God is evidence of His existence.

In this blog post, "Is education the main reason why some countries are less religious?" PhD Rees probably thinks so going in. He read a study by another PhD, Claude Braun, who no doubt started with the premonition that more educated people like himself are less prone to believe in 'gods'.

And how else would a smarty PhD try to prove what he believes to be true: that smart people are atheists and atheist are smart?

"[He] approached this problem basically by pulling together a vast mound of information, and then engaging in a kind of statistical fishing expedition to see what bites."

That reminds me of those charlatains who try to foist "Bible Codes" on their faithful.

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