Sunday, December 7, 2008

Obama to Name Shinseki Secretary of Veterans Affairs

First thought on this announcement was that it was a continuation of Obama's exquisite PR campaign. He has studiously avoided making policy statements until the most popular answer is obvious. But he has managed to roll out his cabinet in a carefully calibrated manner designed to keep him in the news daily with 'good news' stories. This one is a great example. Japanese American Shinseki's announcement comes on Pearl Harbor Day. Coincidence? If you think so, I have some prime land in South Central Florida waiting for you. Shinseki, we are told, bravely stood up to Rumsfeld on the size of the Iraq liberation force. We are to believe that he was right and was fired for it. But it appears he served a full 4 year term, like his predecessors and successors ( We aren't told that he also stood up to Rumsfeld on the Crusader artillery system - a "Cold War" weapons system. He was wrong. He was right about the Stryker. But he was wrong that it could replace heavy armored vehicles. He was way way way way way wrong on the black beret.

In any case. Good for him. Sec of Vet Affairs isn't exactly the big leagues, but it is an important job and I wish him great success - being a vetran, I have a personal interest in his success...

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