Tuesday, August 9, 2011

EJ Dionne's Distorted View of Reality

Perhaps it's projection. Maybe it's partisan rhetoric. Maybe from the hole Dionne views the world from, reality really is distorted and he is only calling things as he (mistakenly) sees them.

Can America still lead?

By E.J. Dionne Jr., Published: August 7

The first week of August 2011 will be remembered as a singularly irrational, wasteful and shameful moment in the political and economic history of the United States. It reflected much of what is wrong with the priorities of our political elites and the obsessions of those who now hold effective veto power over our government.

Does anyone else find it curious that Dionne believes that the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the Majority Leader of the House of Representatives and 60 Members of the House of Representatives are NOT part of "our government". Sort of makes me wonder who "our" refers to.

It began with the world hanging on to every development in the debt-ceiling negotiations as it fretted over whether Washington’s dysfunction would lead to American default and global calamity. Even robustly pro-American commentators and politicians wondered aloud if the United States could still govern itself.

Sentient Americans have long wondered if the United States had ceased governing themselves. Clearly, Dionne mistakes the malfeasance of the tools currently mucking up the works as the United States. He fails to realize that DC is NOT a state itself and that its denizens don't constitute the United States. Likewise, he confused a default of the central government's debt to be identical with "American default".

And it goes on from there. I haven't the time to correct every disconnected line - which is almost every line in the piece.

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