Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Wiki hacked

It appears that the notorious website, Wikileaks, has been hacked while in the process of publishing US State Department communications. The article indicates that the info dump contained the identities of intelligence sources and information damaging or embarrassing to the US and other governments. I haven't seen the documents. And I have a healthy mistrust of the government as well as of what I read in the news.

On the one hand, I’d like to think that our intelligence community still has what it takes to pull off something like this to defend National Security. On the other hand - well, Wikileaks ain't American so that other hand doesn’t matter. But, I am concerned who else may sometime become a victim of this capability, given the state of the Rule of Law these days.

But really, the most likely perps were from another state who acted to protect their citizens or government from being exposed by the hapless US State department and a few publicity hogging freaks.

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