Friday, May 25, 2012

The Newspeak Word of the Day

Today's Words of the Day, boys and girls and LBGT friends are "kindness and commitment"

The Daily Caller reports that the Committee to RE-Elect the President is trying to repair the damage done to Obama's standing among Catholics by the Healthcare [sic] mandate and "evolution" on same sex "marriage."

While the DC article focuses on Obama's selective mention of his previous work with renegate Catholic priest  Michael Pfleger. Where there may be nominally Catholic supporters listening, he overstates his relationship. When he is talking to Hollywood types, he omits it.

The article quotes Candidate Obama from several fund-raising events. The common theme that emerged in the quotes are his new words of the day: "kindness and commitment."

Slippery words from the slivey toves designed to hoodwink the kind-hearted and weak-minded who would otherwise love government 'help' for the poor but who have begun to worry about the sturmgruppen tactics of the Department of HHS.

Catholics are (or ought to be) in favor of "kindness and commitment." Everyone ought to be, right? But by repetetively emphasizing those words he attempts to reduce valid Catholic sentiment to those emotions and simultaneously create an impression that his commitment to kindness contrasts with the unkind meanspiritedness of the bishops who are not committed to kindness (kindness being inferred as support of gay marriage, abortion, etc.).

Don't fall for it people! Remember the hob-nail boot tactics of Kathleen Sibelus on behalf of Obama's agenda to 'fundamentally transform' the country.

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