Thursday, November 8, 2012

Stay Strong!

I would just like to remind my Congressman and all of the members of the Republican caucus in the House and Senate: When the Democrats say they have a mandate from the American people because they received slightly more than 50% of the popular vote, they are wrong. They do not represent the country and their policies do not have the support of the American public. Only half. You represent fully 1/2 of the country. You have a responsibility to fight for the policies which 1/2 of the country supports: limited government, fiscal responsibility, Religious Liberty, the Right to Life, Free Markets and individual freedom to succeed or fail, to assist others in need without government mandate or coersion, a National Defense scaled to protect national interests and a foreign policy that has a clear vision of what the national interest is, the Rule of Law and the supremacy of the Natural Law endowed upon us by our Creator. Stay strong.

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