Sunday, November 18, 2012

The list gets longer every day

The list of impeachable or incarceratable offenses by the members of the ruling regime grows day-by-day.

Today's culprit,  EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson:

Congress demands EPA’s secret email accounts

Jackson is accused of using an alias email account to evade open record laws and to avoid disclosure of the unethical, insidious and potentially illegal actions in which she and her agency are engaged. Judging from the Washington Times article, and an earlier one in the Washington Post, it was nearly official policy to use personal email accounts, like gmail, to hide information from congressional oversight potential legal fights.

I didn't see any articles that indicates Sliver suffered any legal ramifications. He merely lost his job for allegedly advising subordinates to evade open government laws and potential congressional attention by using unsecure personal email accounts.

Meanwhile the layers continue to be pealed back on the rotten onion that is Benghazi.

Meanwhile clear instances of voter fraud in Ohio and Philadelphia and perhaps Florida and elsewhere will never be investigated by the most politicized Justice Department in the history of the Nation.

Meanwhile, the (mal)administration refuses to perform its constitutional duty to defend DOMA

While it refuses to enforce immigration laws, thereby effectively enacting a law never passed by Congress

Meanwhile, Operation Fast and Furious questions remain unanswered regarding when the Attorney General and the White House knew guns were being shipped to Mexican drug cartels by the hundreds if not thousands, and why they didn't do anything to stop it before Border Patrol agents and hundereds of Mexican citizen were killed with those same guns.

And the list could go on, if I had more time.

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