Monday, October 12, 2015

"Truth, What is truth?

Conservatively, Planned Parenthood could be taking in between $5,897,754 and $22,935,710 annually from selling aborted babies’ body parts.

Not quite the half billion dollars they get in taxpayer money, but that'll buy a couple Lamborghini's.

Parts ain't parts when they are babies' hearts.

2/3 of Americans Favor Taxpayer Bailout for Abortion Business Selling Murdered Baby Parts. Really?

No. Not really. But the deceit is useful for them, so it is propagated.

As are other lies. And when liars lie, they use statistics.

WaPo: Three Pinocchios for Planned Parenthood’s “3 Percent” Abortion Lie

Planned Parenthood is “misleading,” “using meaningless and incomplete comparisons to make their argument, and the public should wary . . . .”

But the lie continues to circulate where it is useful and the audience is ignorant. Like Congress, for example.

Stand Fast Thou' the Wall is Breached!

From USA Today a few days ago:

Obama: Don't use religion to deny constitutional rights

The Oval
David Jackson, USA TODAY 7:21 a.m. EDT September 28, 2015

President Obama says he respects religious liberty, but it cannot be used to deny marriage licenses to gay and lesbian couples who are entitled to them.

"We affirm that we cherish our religious freedom and are profoundly respectful of religious traditions," Obama said at a Democratic National Committee LGBT gala Sunday in New York City.

"But," he added, "we also have to say clearly that our religious freedom doesn't grant us the freedom to deny our fellow Americans their constitutional rights."

Obama appeared to reference the case of Kim Davis, the Kentucky county clerk who refused to issue gay marriage licenses, saying it violated her faith.

A federal judge had Davis jailed for several days because of her actions in defiance of the June decision by the Supreme Court sanctioning same-sex unions.

In his remarks Sunday to donors, Obama said gay marriage supporters should understand that the change "has been a whirlwind" for many Americans, and that there remains some "unease." The president said, "it's important for us to recognize that there are still parts of the country that are getting there, but it's going to take some time."

But that doesn't mean people can use religion to deny people their rights, Obama added -- and political candidates shouldn't encourage them.

"Even as we are respectful and accommodating genuine concerns and interests of religious institutions, we need to reject politicians who are supporting new forms of discrimination as a way to scare up votes," Obama said. "That's not how we move America forward."

Oh Lord, this makes my head hurt. Do you see? Religious Freedom isn't considered a constitutional right by these people, but gay marriage and abortion are. How do you even relate to someone so disconnected from reality?

And this is rich. Didn't he say, back in 2009, something about unifying the country and not being the president of this part or that part but of the whole country?

Except for those "parts of the country" who aren't with the program yet. And there is no alternative but to get on the Progressive bus. There is no room for deviation from the received truth of the Progressive Gnostics. "there are still parts of the country that are getting there," "there." Obama cannot conceive of valid opposing views.

Tolerance of opposing views to him means shutting down bakeries and bankrupting families simply because their faith conflicts with his vision. "it's going to take some time." he says.

The First Amendment, according to Obama, reads: "The Federal bureaucracy shall be respectful and accommodating to the genuine concerns and interests of religious institutions."

A little bit different from James Madison's version, to be sure. And wholly disconnected with the actual life of faith to which a truly religious person attempts to live.

Oh, and by the way, we do need to reject politicians who are supporting new forms of discrimination as a way to scare up votes. Politicians like him and almost every other Democrat who voted for the Affordable Care Act. The law that empowered the Secretary of HHS to force religious organizations, including the Little Sisters of the Poor, to pay for abortions and contraceptives. The people who supported SSM and are cheering; as religious people, colleges, and other organizations are buffeted with legal challenges for trying to live and work according to their faith.

I'm sure he is hopeful that his party will continue in power until the Catholic Church, the Baptist Convention, faithful Christians, and those other 'parts of the country' 'get there' or are crushed. carried an opinion piece that is worth a read.

Taxing Churches Would Marry Church And State

"Saying government can tax religious organizations affirms the sovereignty of state over church."

Obama said that religious faith shouldn’t trump civil rights. He has it upside down, of course. But I doubt if he could see it any other way. He already assumes, I’m sure – as does Niose and others – that the state is sovereign over everything within its unlimited purview, including churches.

Beginning to feel like the Great Siege of Malta

Which was fought against overwhelming odds, but with faith in God.

But which the Christians ultimately prevailed, by God's grace.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Beginning to feel like the Siege of Malta carried an opinion piece that is worth a read.

Taxing Churches Would Marry Church And State

Saying government can tax religious organizations affirms the sovereignty of state over church.

Well, see Obama below, where he says religious faith shouldn’t trump civil rights. He has it upside down, of course, but I doubt he could see it any other way. He already assumes, I’m sure – as does Niose and others – that the state is sovereign over all within its unlimited purview, including churches.

Beginning to feel like the Great Siege of Malta

Which was fought against overwhelming odds, but with faith in God

But which the Christians ultimately prevailed, by God's grace.

Some Animals are More Equal than Others

From USA Today a few days ago:

Obama: Don't use religion to deny constitutional rights

 The Oval 
David Jackson, USA TODAY 7:21 a.m. EDT September 28, 2015

President Obama says he respects religious liberty, but it cannot be used to deny marriage licenses to gay and lesbian couples who are entitled to them.

"We affirm that we cherish our religious freedom and are profoundly respectful of religious traditions," Obama said at a Democratic National Committee LGBT gala Sunday in New York City.

"But," he added, "we also have to say clearly that our religious freedom doesn't grant us the freedom to deny our fellow Americans their constitutional rights."

Obama appeared to reference the case of Kim Davis, the Kentucky county clerk who refused to issue gay marriage licenses, saying it violated her faith.

A federal judge had Davis jailed for several days because of her actions in defiance of the June decision by the Supreme Court sanctioning same-sex unions.

In his remarks Sunday to donors, Obama said gay marriage supporters should understand that the change "has been a whirlwind" for many Americans, and that there remains some "unease." The president said, "it's important for us to recognize that there are still parts of the country that are getting there, but it's going to take some time."

But that doesn't mean people can use religion to deny people their rights, Obama added -- and political candidates shouldn't encourage them.

"Even as we are respectful and accommodating genuine concerns and interests of religious institutions, we need to reject politicians who are supporting new forms of discrimination as a way to scare up votes," Obama said. "That's not how we move America forward."

Oh Lord, this makes my head hurt. Do you see? Religious Freedom isn't considered a constitutional right by these people, but gay marriage and abortion are. How do you even relate to someone so disconnected with objective reality?

And this is rich. Didn't he say, back in 2009, something about unifying the country and not being the president of this part or that part but of the whole country?

Except for those "parts of the country" who aren't with the program yet. And there is no alternative but to get on the Progressive bus. There is no room for deviation from the received truth of the Progressive Gnostics. "there are still parts of the country that are getting there," "there" there is only one place to get to,

Tolerance of opposing views to him means, not shutting down bakeries and bankrupting families simply because their faith conflicts with his vision. "it's going to take some time." he says.
Well, times up for Aaron and Melissa Klein 

The First Amendment, according to Obama reads, "The Federal bureaucracy shall be respectful and accommodating to the genuine concerns and interests of religious institutions."
A little bit different from James Madison's version, to be sure. And wholly disconnected with the actual life of faith to which a truly religious person attempts to live.

Oh, and by the way, we do need to reject politicians who are supporting new forms of discrimination as a way to scare up votes. Like him and almost every other Democratic politician who voted for the Affordable Care Act, which directed the Secretary of HHS to force religious organizations, including the Little Sisters of the Poor to pay for abortions and contraceptives; who supported SSM and are cheering as religious people, colleges and other organizations are buffeted with legal challenges for trying to live and work according to their faith.

I'm sure he is hopeful that his party will continue in power until the Catholic Church, the Baptist Convention, faithful Christians and those other 'parts of the country' 'get there' or are crushed. 

The Mule

The mule may dream
Of far flung fields of clover 
But he does not quit his furrow
Until the plowing's over. 

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

More Famous Than the Beatles?

Stephen Colbert to Pope Francis: We can’t fix wealth inequality until we get money out of politics featured an interview with Stephen Colbert on the eve of Pope Francis' visit to the United States. I have a few comments on it.

interviewer Sebastian Gomes called Colbert “the most famous Catholic in America.” Colbert handled it well, replying, “Sure, I’ll tell Timothy Dolan you said so.” 

He probably is with the same demographic who considered John Stewart the most trusted newsman in America. Oy!

And again, for the Jon Stewart generation, they've learned that 'the personal is political, so of course the most important thing to as a public Catholic is about the US politics surrounding the pope's visit.

“Gomes asked Colbert what he thinks the message is that Congress most needs to hear when Pope Francis addresses a joint session.

“The corrupting influence of money in politics because it reinforces not looking out for the poorest or the least of my brothers,” Colbert responded. “I think that’s the one they need to hear the most because until you can control the money you won’t control the message of Congress, and so you won’t get action from Congress that looks out for average people.”

True enough. But overturning Citizens United or trying to create some sort of campaign financing scheme or a limit to what can be spent on politics in order to solve the influence problem is a fool’s errand. That sort of War on Money in Politics has as much chance of success as the War on Drugs has had. Let’s take a quick look at where the big money is in Washington:

Financial activity for all House candidates, 2013-2014
Democrats: $450,776,626
Republicans: $585,606,851
Financial activity for all Senate candidates, 2013-2014
Democrats: $285,218,602
Republicans: $315,898,295
That adds up to: $1,637,500,374

In 2013-2014, the Congress spent about $7,000,000,000,000

Which is 4275 times as much as lobbyists spent on Congress.

Get Congress out of the big money and you will get the big money out of Congress.

He also discussed the need to prevent religion from being associated with a political party.

“It’s perceived of in the United States that the right is the more Christian party,” Colbert said. “But in any given election, if the right doesn’t do well, well did Christ not do well? You’ve poured that infection of competition into the eternal world of the Gospel.”

I’ve only watched to the 2:00 mark, but this is another opportunity to wonder if Stephen has a problem with the Episcopal Church or the Church of Christ who seem more concerned with supporting the most popular current cultural fads and Left wing politics than they are about God.

Thinking and speaking clearly

Speak, Dammit!

Say what you mean. Clearly and concisely. My personal pet peeve at the moment is using "feel" in lieu of "think"; as in "I feel like that's sky blue."

We are still allowed to think, to admit that we do think, and say what we think. Telling someone what you sort of feel really doesn't provide any particularly useful information. "I sort of feel like that paint is sky blue." How about 'that paint is sky blue.'?

20 cognitive biases that screw up your decisions

Think, Dammit!

And then speak clearly.


Back to the Future with the new Know Nothing Party

A country without churches

By Dominic Bouck September 18
Dominic Bouck, O.P., is a Dominican brother of the Province of St. Joseph.

That the WaPo is even hosting an extended discussion of the question of tax exemption for churches is an indication that the church exemption's days are numbered - at least for denominations that don't toe the line.

"After the Obergefell decision, Time magazine writer Mark Oppenheimer was quick to declare that the state should “abolish, or greatly diminish” property tax exemptions for churches that “dissent from settled public policy on matters of race or sexuality.”

"Punishing “dissent” seems a strange new role for the American government. In the mid-twentieth century, the Catholic church was a leading advocate against anti-miscegenation laws. The church was able to take a stand contrary to the state on marriage and not be penalized for it, a position now almost unquestionably supported by Americans. And despite the confidence of those like Oppenheimer, the dissenters aren’t even a minority in the more recent marriage controversy. Most Americans favor religious liberty, and a plurality oppose Obergefell."

Even that relatively meek and respectful opposition is unacceptable to Oppenheimer and the new Know Nothings who cannot have any power outside of their control.

"By prohibiting faith-based conscientious objection, institutions will be limited in their ability to speak independently without fear of punishment, and some of the largest charities in America will be shuttered."

Again, the loss of the charitable contributions of church-based organizations, like Catholic Charities and Catholic non-profit hospitals and Catholic schools in poor neighborhoods, isn't as important to Oppenheimer and his ilk as silencing any voices of conscientious objection to the Progressive project and the all powerful state that will enforce its diktat.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Seamless but faded garment of life

By Mary Rezac
"Gallicho is a Chicago native and currently serves as an associate editor of Commonweal, an independent, lay-run Catholic journal. He has also been published in America, the National Catholic Reporter, The Tablet, El Ciervo, Religion Dispatches, Religion News Service, The New York Observer, The New York Times, and elsewhere."

Uh oh. Those aren’t on my go-to list for orthodox Catholic news and commentary.

"Since his appointment to the Chicago archdiocese, Archbishop Cupich has taken steps to distance himself from Cardinal George, and to instead align himself with Cardinal Joseph Bernardin, who preceded Cardinal George as leader of the third-largest archdiocese in the nation.

"For example, in an August column on the Planned Parenthood videos released by the Center for Medical Progress, Archbishop Cupich referred to the “consistent ethic of life,” a phrase coined by Cardinal Bernardin and popularly known as the “seamless garment” understanding of faith's role in the public square."

“While commerce in the remains of defenseless children is particularly repulsive, we should be no less appalled by the indifference toward the thousands of people who die daily for lack of decent medical care; who are denied rights by a broken immigration system and by racism; who suffer in hunger, joblessness and want; who pay the price of violence in gun-saturated neighborhoods; or who are executed by the state in the name of justice.”

Hard to accept a ‘but.... monkey’, even from an archbishop.

Flesh Markets

House Votes to De-Fund Planned Parenthood After it Sells Body Parts From Aborted Babies
Steven Ertelt

So, the Democrats are nearly unanimous in their defense of commerce in baby body parts.

Pure Wind

Associated Press

See: George Orwell, “Politics and the English Language”

From which I provide excerpts here for your convenience:
A man may take to drink because he feels himself to be a failure, and then fail all the more completely because he drinks. It is rather the same thing that is happening to the English language. It becomes ugly and inaccurate because our thoughts are foolish, but the slovenliness of our language makes it easier for us to have foolish thoughts.

In our time, political speech and writing are largely the defense of the indefensible. Things like the continuance of British rule in India, the Russian purges and deportations, the dropping of the atom bombs on Japan, can indeed be defended, but only by arguments which are too brutal for most people to face, and which do not square with the professed aims of political parties. Thus political language has to consist largely of euphemism, question-begging and sheer cloudy vagueness.
But if thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought. A bad usage can spread by tradition and imitation, even among people who should and do know better. The debased language that I have been discussing is in some ways very convenient.

Political language — and with variations this is true of all political parties, from Conservatives to Anarchists — is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

I put together these stories and comments before Pope Francis arrived in the US. Unfortunately, I progcrastinated

I put together these stories and comments before Pope Francis arrived in the US. Unfortunately, I progcrastinated, and missed my chance to appear smart to all of my readers (me).
But, here they are anyway, because that's just the way my brain works. And now, with the prescience of hind-sight, I can comment on how the press really screwed this up. But I recommend you read the Get Religion blog, or maybe Media Research Center. They do this for a living and know what they are talking about. I talk to myself over the internet.
Obama's queer guest list. It seems now, after the fact, to have been a tempest in a teacup about nothing. I suppose the fringe groups represented by the radicals who were invited – and the red-meat conservative commentators who decried the invites – go 15 minutes of fame. Other than that, a big fizzle. Did anyone expect a knock-down drag-out between a drag queen and a sister or a pontificating pufter and a bishop? Never going to happen. And it didn't this time.

17 Sep 15
White House Invites Several Opponents of Catholic Teaching to Greet Pope Francis
“In a stunning show of political indecorum, Obama has invited a series of individuals who publicly flout Catholic teaching, including a pro-abortion religious sister, a transgender woman and the first openly gay Episcopal bishop, along with at least two Catholic gay activists.”

Gays, Transgenders, 'Nun on the Bus' Invited to White House Pope Francis Reception
By Mark Judge
"A few months ago I received an invitation from the White House to attend the reception for Pope Francis," Taylor told CNS News. "I was told I could bring several friends with me." Taylor chose five additional people to go with him. He would also "rather not say" which White House staffer made the offer. “I’m very happy to meet my brother in Christ, Pope Francis,” he said. “I’m glad we can bring some LGBT representation to the event.”
“Additionally there is Sister Simone Campbell, the Executive Director of NETWORK, which describes itself as “a national Catholic social justice lobby.” Sister Campbell is attending two events – the White House reception and Pope Francis’ address to Congress September 24. In 2010 Campbell wrote a letter in support of health care reform, otherwise known as Obamacare. In 2012 she helped organize the “Nuns on the Bus” a tour by Catholic nuns to protest the budget of then-Republican Senator Paul Ryan. When asked her opinion about making abortion illegal at the time, Campbell replied, "That's beyond my pay grade. I don't know." She is the author of the book "A Nun on the Bus: How All of Us Can Create Hope, Change, and Community."

Sister Campbell’s invitation to the events came from Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA).

GLAAD set to join LGBT Catholic leaders at White House reception for Pope Francis
By Ross Murray
“The White House has extended an invitation for GLAAD and LGBT Catholic leaders to attend the White House reception for Pope Francis. GLAAD's CEO and President Sarah Kate Ellis and Director of Programs Ross Murray will be representing the organization at the ceremony which will welcome Pope Francis before he and President Obama meet privately.
“GLAAD used the invitation to invite Nicholas Coppola, who wrote a petition asking Pope Francis to meet with LGBT Catholics during his upcoming visit to the U.S. GLAAD worked with Nicholas, a devoted Catholic, out gay man, and prolific LGBT advocate’
“Also joining Ross and Nicholas, will be Sister Jeannine Gramick, the co-founder, and Francis DeBernardo, the executive director of New Ways Ministry, a ministry of advocacy and justice for LGBT Catholics, and reconciliation within the larger Christian and civil communities. Jeannine and Francis were two of 28 leaders of Catholic, Latino, and LGBT organizations that signed and sent a letter to the Pope urging him to meet with LGBT Catholics.”

Pope Francis, I'd like you to meet a pro-choice nun, a gay bishop and a transgender woman - the very eclectic guests at White House reception next week

Obamas to Host Pope Francis at White House Sept. 23

March 26, 2015 10:46 AM
So, they’ve been planning this for a while. One of the articles noted that about 1000 people were invited to the reception. I can’t wait to see the demographics of the attendees. I’m guessing Fr. Pavone wasn’t invited. Barbara Boxer invited one of the heretical sisters, so maybe some number of invites are provided to congress people. So we’ll see.

Or Sodom, perhaps.

Avoid the Spin During Pope’s Visit
Bishop Paprocki, Al Kresta and Teresa Tomeo weigh in.
We all could have done well by taking this advice. Avoid the spin. The pope spoke several times and his own words are available readily on line. I've read what he said to Congress, and lo, he didn't stick to liberal or conservative talking points. He preached the Gospel and the unchanging Catholic faith.

These comments from a non-Catholic, politically liberal blogger give some idea, I think, of what the pope intended in his visit and shed light on his entire pastoral approach.

I am discovering that there are some things I agree with the Pope on (income inequality, immigration, climate change, and poverty issues) and many things I do not (his opposition to same-sex marriage, women priests, married priests, divorce, birth control and abortion in extenuating circumstances).  But I think the reason I’m drawn to him is because of his love for humanity, his humility, his compassion, and his acts of forgiveness.  And I love his kindness.  I like that he is trying to emulate the life of Christ, and even though we don’t agree on some things, at least we can met on the human ground of love, humility, compassion, and forgiveness.  Just think how much better the world would be if we all could start there.  Maybe he will help us. Welcome to America, Pope Francis!

This is my favorite Pope Francis visit cartoon so far:

Monday, September 14, 2015

Beautiful Women

The commentators on this article point out, cynically but no doubt astutely, that the inclusion of these young women, one with Downs Syndrome and the other with a prosthetic limb, is almost certainly a cynical publicity stunt. I become increasingly unable to underestimate the depths to which the human soul can descend.

But the women themselves, Madeline Stuart and Rebekah Marine are extremely positive about themselves. They see their participation on the runway at NY Fashion Week as a great opportunity for themselves and for others who don't fit the typical mold. Good for them.

And perhaps, the presence of two good souls will do some good for the jaded souls pervading the fashion industry. For instance, can there be any doubt that nearly 100% of the NY fashion show participants would agree with the statement: a woman should obtain an abortion if a pre-natal diagnosis indicated her fetus would be born with Downs or with a deformed limb.

Will they still feel that way after getting to know these two outstanding women?

....and I'm HAPPY!!!!

From the Daily Caller:

Leah Jessen

Proof that God exists and the Bible is true:

Dr. Bronwyn Harman, of the psychology and social science school at Australia’s Edith Cowan University, spent five years studying what types of families are most content. 

“Her research points out that parental happiness relates to how much effort has been put into growing the family.

 "“What is important for kids are things like consistency, boundaries and [to] know that they are loved, no matter what,” Harman tells ABC Australia.

 "Prior to the study, Harman thought parents with more children would be less happy.
 Though larger families may have more chaos and expenses than a smaller family, Harman’s research shows that these issues are balanced by the amount of joy received from having more children.

 "Her findings show that children who grow up in large families learn independence at a young age and always have someone to play with.”

Completely counter-intuitive. Entirely at odds with the modern, Western way of thinking and behaving. But, empirically true to those of us who have had the blessings of large families.

And completely in line with Scripture and true human nature.

Psalm 127:3 Fatherhood itself is the Lord’s gift, the fruitful womb is a reward that comes from him.4 Crown of thy youth, children are like arrows in a warrior’s hand. 5 Happy, whose quiver is well filled with these; their cause will not be set aside when they plead against their enemies at the gate. 

Sunday, August 30, 2015

A Little Consistency? nah!

Australian bar sparks outrage after using naked women as fruit platters

Kim Kardashian could not be reached for comment…

Nor could the owners or patrons of Hooters, Twin Peaks, Tilted Kilt restaurants, or the numerous strip clubs around the country. The state of Nevada also had no comment. The editors of Cosmopolitan, Vogue, Maxim, Esquire, Elle, and Playboy have not returned calls to them.

I don’t think the Sydney Overseas Passenger Terminal is the right location for that sort of establishment, I don't think any public place is. But I can't seem to put my finger on why the objectification of women at a bar in the Sydney Overseas Passenger Terminal should spark outrage and the many other instances of objectification of women, from Sex Week at Yale to the red carpet at the Academy Awards receive not a peep.

Maybe it isn't about women...

Reasonable Discussion?

Is a reasonable discussion even possible with people who cannot see what is wrong with Planned Parenthood as an organization, or more broadly, how PP is a concrete example of how dealing in the deaths of innocents coarsens moral sensibilities. How can you explain how wrong all of this is when they have lost any concept of what the word actually means?

It may be piling on references to cite 2 articles about the same event, but the more I see about the trafficking in human body parts, the less I can stomach the arguments thrown up by its abettors.

Ross Douthat has a regular blog article in the New York Times. Affirmative Action hire, maybe. In any case, he posted an outstanding response to the typical Pro-Abortion questions. The comments to the article were saddening. Few, if any of them,  addressed his arguments directly. Most are tired cliches.

But, again, how can they defend ghouls who find 'happiness is "another 50 livers a week"'? Or who laughs about shipping severed heads? Where is their humanity?

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

You Gotta Believe - or not

Atheist minister vows to fight removal from United Church due to her beliefs

“An ordained United Church of Canada minister who believes in neither God nor Bible said Wednesday she is prepared to fight an unprecedented attempt to boot her from the pulpit for her beliefs.

“In an interview at her West Hill church, Rev. Gretta Vosper said congregants support her view that how you live is more important than what you believe in.”

Unprecedented in the UCC. Believe it or not, ordained ministers have been removed for their beliefs in the past. And it still happens occasionally in other denominations today. It’s true! Certain Muslim sects remove more than the preacher from the pulpit; but that is an anomaly.

“What's important, she says, is that her views hearken to Christianity's beginnings, before the focus shifted from how one lived to doctrinal belief in God, Jesus and the Bible.”

Sure, why not? Were any of us there? We don’t know. Or as, Rev. Gretta Vosper said, "It's mythology. We build a faith tradition upon it which shifted to find belief more important than how we lived."

I’m just wondering, who exactly, Rev. Vosper thinks promulgated the Beatitudes and the Golden Rule, and why they should be any sort of guide to ‘how one lived’ if they are the imagined preaching of a mythical person. I think she may have slept through some of her theology – and logic classes back at seminary.

Here is a bit of information that answers a question raised in my mind up in the opening paragraph:
“Vosper made her views clear as far back as a Sunday sermon in 2001 but her congregation stood behind her until a decision to do away with the Lord's Prayer in 2008 prompted about 100 of the 150 members to leave. The rest backed her.”

2/3rds clearly didn’t ‘back her’. 50 people isn’t a lot of backing.
But wait for the big finish:

"If the cost of that is that we are no longer welcome within that denomination, it will be because that denomination has defined us out of it, not because we have defined ourselves out of it."

Saturday, July 25, 2015

22 Beautiful Altars Worthy of the Sacrifice of the Mass

Abortion and Religion or AS Religion?

Patheos hosts some great bloggers. But it hosts a very wide range of perspectives. So, in following links, I cam across this page:
Recent Perspectives on Roe v. Wade

The blog posts selected were about evenly split. I suppose in 1934, if Patheos' page editor had been around, he would have posted 6 articles on why Jews shouldn't be sent to internment camps and 6 articles on why they should.

Body Parts, Schmarty Parts. What’s All the Fuss About?
July 20, 2015 by Bethany Blankley
Very dark, snarky satire. Almost passes as what it critiques.

If You Want to Defund Planned Parenthood, Think Through the Consequences First
July 19, 2015 by Hemant Mehta

Mehta is the friendly atheist. In this brief post, he tries to pull a Twitchy by posting a Twitter conversation between a Christian and a troll. Unfortunately, the troll steamrolls the poor guy with a non sequitur. If PP closes she will have no recourse but to go bankrupt paying for her gyn services and finally die a painful death due to a lack of free birth control, STD treatments, and abortions on demand. She says there are no other alternatives on her block in the Iowa countryside that take her crappy insurance plan that offer her lifesaving STD treatments. Apparently, she refuses to consider a better policy (couldn’t be she has limited choice among expensive policies with lousy benefits because of ObamaCare? Nah. Its because of ignorant Christians who hate her. And it couldn’t be that $500M in free money from the federal government + tax exempt status gives PP a competitive advantage to other providers – thereby limiting her choices. IOW, could it be that she is defending policies that hav resulted in reducing her choice and increasing her costs? Sure, she should act all superior towards her interlocutor to hide how stupid she really looks.

Why I’m a Christian Who (Still) Supports Planned Parenthood
July 20, 2015 by Dan Wilkinson

Dan is the Unfundamentalist Christian. Considering his argument in defense of PP harvesting body parts from pre-born children who they have killed, perhaps he should rename is blog the Utilitarian Christian. I'm surprised to say that I hadn’t seen the “they’d just throw it away anyway” argument prior to Dan’s essay: “Why shouldn’t cells from aborted fetuses be used for medical research with potentially life-saving applications? Would those opposed to abortion prefer that these resources be simply squandered? Since the abortion is going to happen anyway, what possible reason is there for not utilizing the aborted tissue?”

That segment probably approaches some sort of record for euphemisms per square inch.

Why I wrote the same thing I always do when the Liars for Jesus attacked Planned Parenthood yet again
July 18, 2015 by Fred Clark

Fred is some sort of progressive Christian. His take, nothing to see here, you’ve seen it all before.
BTW, how can you tell when a Pro-Life … sorry, Anti-Choice person is lying? A: His lips are moving.  If an Anti-Abortion liar tells a lie and nobody listens, is he still lying? Yes! Because Fred will combine it with some urban legend about Pepsi using aborted babies as a flavor enhancer and ta-da! Whatever he’s saying is a lie. You can tell it’s a lie because he is anti-abortion and he’s talking about PP. Therefore he is lying. Don’t even bother to see for yourself what those two PP executives were recorded saying. Just you go back and call them names.

It must be nice to be a Progressive / Pro-Abort / Democrat / liar – but I repeat myself.
It gives you the ability to hold two contradictory statements in your head and not see the contradiction. The videos discuss human organs. The lackeys lying in their defense can only find “tissue” or “cells”.

Planned Parenthood Isn’t Selling Baby Parts: Unpacking the Lies in a New Undercover Video
July 14, 2015 by Hemant Mehta

Our friendly atheist also adds that we are so dumb we think that killing a child in utero and extracting her liver, lungs, heart and brain and then exchanging them for money isn’t selling body parts. Man, we must be way dumber than he is.

#PlannedParenthoodSellsBabyParts….so what?
July 14, 2015 by Rebecca Frech

“Over her salad, she explains how the unborn children are carefully turned to a breech position before the doctor, guided by what he/she sees on an ultrasound, uses forceps to carefully rip off body parts until the fetus has been removed completely from the uterus without destroying the commercially valuable organs such as the heart and liver. She even details what they do about that pesky head that’s often too large to fit easily through a cervix which isn’t dilated enough to extract it easily.”

“This latest video is nothing new. It is the same brutal disregard for human life which is necessary for abortion to be possible.

“There is nothing new in Planned Parenthood, or any other abortion provider, making money off of the destruction of human life. Making money off of killing babies is what they do.

“We shouldn’t be shocked and outraged that they are selling off the organs of these poor massacred children. We should be shocked and outraged that it is legal for them to be killed in the first place.”

We are to the point, in the increasingly evil of our banality that if CMP came out with a video of PP workers eating fried fetus fritters, these people would say just that: “so what?”

More Most Beautiful Churches

"More most"; does that even make sense? whatever. These churches are beautiful - And Jesus is there!

21 Mesmerizing Photos of the World’s Most Beautiful Churches

The Most Beautiful Churches in the World

Any Church where Jesus is is a beautiful church. But some of these are beautiful.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Links On Marriage and anti-marriage

A good survey of the philosophical objection to Obergfell.

“The traditional norms of marriage were established to protect innocent people, especially children. They are evidence of advanced civilization.”
Then these times are evidence of an effete, decrepit and dissolute civilization.

“There is something diabolically novel in the successful burrowing into such a fundamental, creative, and organic institution for such sterile, egoistic, and perverse purposes.”

Nobody Owns MLK

“By telling conservatives that their fight is as difficult and just and noble as those against slavery, segregation, and Nazism, the GOPers are not only endorsing conservatives’ fight, they are also casting themselves as the next Lincoln, the next FDR, or the next MLK that history will require to overcome tyranny.”
Um, dear. MLK, the Abolitionists, the reconstructionists and integrationists were THEMSELVES GOPers. The slavers, segregationists and jailers of MLK were the Democrats. Nazism – coin toss, but lets talk about Communism.
Oh, and the hypocrisy of appropriating MLK:
It isn’t so much the right ‘hijacking Rev. King as rescuing him from the SSM hijackers.

My Freedom to Beat You Over the Head Ends - At Your Head

Never have so many people enjoyed so many freedoms. Can you imagine what’s next?


I’m afraid I can, all too well. Are you going to warn me of even worse than I can imagine? I imagine so.

“This trend is what Dr. King meant by describing the rights revolution he helped to lead a “moral arc” that bends toward justice, and why I chose to title my latest book The Moral Arc, because history really has progressed since the invention of rights during the Enlightenment in the late 18th century.”

Packed a lot of wrongness in one long sentence. 1. Misappropriating MLK’s term ‘moral arc’ 2. “invention of rights” Mr Shermer must be unfamiliar with the sentiments expressed by the Founders in the Declaration that rights are ‘endowed by our Creator” 3. I don’t have time right now to google for the development of rights throughout history, including those damned priests I’m sure Shermer thinks are ignorant superstitious clods – Aquinas, etc, you know.

Wait, his understanding of the source and meaning of ‘rights’ gets better.

“Same-sex marriage and gay rights in general are themselves the legacy of the rights revolutions that took off in the late 1700s when the idea of rights was invented and then demanded, first in the American Revolution (starting with the Declaration of Independence) and then in the French Revolution (with the Rights of Man).”

Several thousand people had their rights violated at the collarbone by the French Revolution. If he wants to associate himself with that, God help him.

“Never in history have so many people enjoyed so many freedoms.”

Freedom to express an opinion different from Mr Shermer’s in public on SSM or homosexual acts or adoption by single people or homosexual couples?
Uh, no.

Freedom to equip oneself with protection against violent assault?
Uh, no.

Freedom from government mandate that one pay for health care procedures that violate one’s moral standards
Uh, no.

Freedom for small businessmen to participate in rites that seek to solemnize acts that are recognized as highly immoral and an affront to their religious faith?
Uh, no.

Freedom from having ones children told by the state government that the beliefs and moral standards their parents taught them were bigoted, wrong, superstitious and ought not to be believed?
Uh, no.

Freedom from representatives of the state providing prophylactics, pharmaceuticals and perhaps even abetting in surgical procedures without parental knowledge or consent?
Uh, no.

“Can you imagine what’s next?”

I shudder to even think.

“Illinois took a first bold step in decriminalizing sodomy in 1961, but at the time homosexuality was considered to be a perversion—even a mental illness—and if police caught a man engaged in “lewd” behavior his name, age and even home address could be published in the local newspaper (like pedophiles today).”

From which we may infer that pedophiles of the not too distant future will be treated like homosexuals of today? Wait; when conservatives have warned of that, they are pilloried and the idea laughed at. Now we are supposed to look forward to it as the next big leap in the expansion of rights along the arch of history?

“Mark my words: Now that the highest court in the country has made same-sex marriage the law of the land, I predict that within a few years Christians will come around to treating gay men and lesbians no differently from how they now treat other groups whom they previously persecuted—women, Jews and blacks.”

Setting aside the question begging about Christians persecuting this and that identity group (as we are now supposed to call them), please do hold your breath, Mr Shermer.

“The gay rights revolution will continue to fine-tune laws related to inheritance, taxes, job discrimination, family rights (that of surrogate parents vs. same-sex parents) and—now—divorce and custody issues.

Most of which had been already addressed in civil union laws in the states. So, that really isn’t it, is it? Oh, except for “job discrimination.” Following his anti-Christian screed, can you doubt that Shermer is salivating for the next court case challenging a church or school’s right to hire employees who do not openly condemn its faith?

“And then there’s atheists, agnostics and secular humanists—who have been following the strategy of the LGBT community in “coming out” campaigns to show that we are just as moral, just as worthy and just as good citizens as believers.”

He isn’t hiding his anti-Christian hopes and prayers – wait…

In whom does he hope? The USSC, apparently.

After a meandering consideration of animal rights, the death penalty and human trafficking around the world, Oh, and climate change, of course, Shermer ends: “And, of course, there is the defense of the rights our ancestors left us, if (pace Benjamin Franklin) we can keep them. As Franklin’s friend and colleague Thomas Jefferson cautioned, “Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.”

Which is why freedom loving people have to keep a sharp eye on people like Shermer.