Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Here's a Surprise

In Reversal, Obama Urging Super-PAC Donations
The Obama campaign's announcement late Monday that it plans to publicly support fundraising for an allied outside political group is the final, stark admission that the president can no longer afford to keep the lightly regulated but increasingly influential political organizations at arm's length.
Who didn't see this coming? Just because he was against it before he was for it - in fact he is going one step further and is against it WHILE he is for it. Just like he agreed to abide by spending caps until he decided to not in the last election.

But abiding is not something they do in the Obama shop. "The group, run by former White House officials Bill Burton and Sean Sweeney, already had close ties to the campaign, even if legally it can't coordinate with it. But Monday's announcement amounts to an official endorsement of the group, sending a signal to deep-pocketed Democratic donors that the campaign wants them to chip in."

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