Tuesday, February 7, 2012

We Don't Need No Stinkin' Laws

While HHS Secretary Sebelius has attracted well-deserved derision for her attack on religious liberty, flouting the 1st Amendment to the Constitution, it seems she has simultaneously committed some more prosaic violations of the law:

Red State reports: "HHS reports $500M in discrepancies between what they admit to have spent and what the US Treasury agrees that they were authorized and should have spent. Ernest and Young claims the discrepancy involves an additional $900M that the HHS does not currently adequately account for."

I'm pretty sure your run-of-the-mill bureaucrat would be in very hot water for violating the Anti-Deficiency Act by $1,400. But it looks like Sec Sebelius and her henchmen will probably get off with nothing more than some harsh words from a crotchety old senator from a Red State for violating the law by $1,400,000,000. Certainly the keeper of the keys of Justice, Eric Holder will see no evil.

Our Federal Government = Too Big to Succeed

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